
Eliminating Single-Use Plastic for Good
Action against plastic bags is increasing worldwide, often taking the form of bans on certain plastic products. Founded in Chile, SoluBag introduces a new way of reducing plastic waste by creating plastic bags from water soluble materials that dissolve in five seconds* rather than thousands of years. SoluBag is working to make the earth a cleaner place.
The problem
Some studies have estimated that the oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050. Despite global attention being drawn to this issue, we have produced more plastic waste in the past decade than in the past century, with 8 million tons of plastic entering the ocean each year. “Biodegradable” or “green” plastics have emerged in recent years, with manufacturers promising that such products will biodegrade over time; however, many of these products require additional waste infrastructure to be processed, which causes even further issues in small island developing states.
The solution
SoluBag addresses this challenge by creating an eco-friendly and revolutionary material that degrades in seconds. The plastic-like material dissolves both in saltwater and freshwater and does not leave any residue in water. The material is firm, flexible, reusable, elastic and soluble in water. It works as a normal consumer product, from shopping bags to bubble wrap in packaging, and can dissolve in under 5 minutes in hot water when no longer needed. The SoluBag Company holds a worldwide patent and quality certification such as SGS Certificate and Biodegradability certificate.
How it Works
The SoluBag material is made from non-toxic components, consisting of a synthesis of calcium carbide and natural gas. The components are so harmless that the bag itself can be dissolved, drank, or even eaten by humans or animals without causing any health issues. The production of SoluBag is part of the uniqueness of the invention: it can be manufactured on machinery that would otherwise be used to produce plastic films, thus making it simple for producers to switch to creating and distributing a more sustainable material. Users don’t have to worry about it dissolving in the rain on a walk home from the grocery store–the material performs exactly like a traditional plastic bag, and will only dissolve if immersed in water above a certain temperature, or else left in cool water for several days. Solubility is calibrated and set by water temperature, i.e.hotter the water, the faster it dissolves.
For the millions of plastic bags that end up in the ocean, SoluBag is a perfect solution: whether ingested accidentally by passing turtles or left to drift on the ocean currents, the bag will dissolve into its environment and leave no lasting harmful footprint.
The SoluBag company aspires to eliminate single-use plastic bags and partner with more industries, including large firms like Amazon and Walmart who use plastic packaging widely in their products and shipping. Beyond just the plastic bag, SoluBag aspires to eliminate all plastic packaging we often overlook in our day-to-day lives: from doggy bags to snack wrappers to vegetable produce bags, plastic shopping bags are only the beginning of the global issue of our plastic crisis. SoluBag is currently in search of single-use products, reusable fabric bags, and rigid products on the market to transform them into soluble products. Additionally, it hopes to be part of a larger research effort to understand how to make more products biodegradable in any type of environment, rather than requiring specific machinery to compost typical “green” plastic products.
Se necesita coraje y determinación para enfrentar a la industria del plástico, una colección multimillonaria de corporaciones dedicadas a la producción y el consumo continuo de productos de plástico a base de petróleo, los cuales están destruyendo nuestro medio ambiente de maneras que nosotros, como consumidores, rara vez entendemos. Según lo descrito por el cofundador de SoluBag, Cristian Olivares, es probable que el impulso global para aumentar el reciclaje no resuelva la crisis del plástico: el reciclaje no solo requiere un cambio importante en el comportamiento del consumidor, sino que estudios recientes también han revelado que menos del 8% de los residuos plásticos, colocados en contenedores de reciclaje, se procesan y reciclan en países como Estados Unidos. SoluBag elimina la necesidad de cambiar el comportamiento de los consumidores y de una infraestructura de reciclaje, la cual tardará décadas en cambiar, años que simplemente no tenemos para abordar la crisis de contaminación en nuestros océanos. Si bien es fácil producir SoluBag con maquinaria tradicional, la compañía está en búsqueda de capital humano para construir su equipo de guerreros ambientales: SoluBag actualmente está recaudando US $18 millones para la producción, el inventario y las necesidades de recursos humanos con el propósito de reclutar más personas. Con el fin de alcanzar economías de escala, continuará expandiéndose con empresas como Walmart y Amazon, y espera reemplazar definitivamente los empaques de plástico que se utilizan en estos productos.
Impacts to Date
- Partnered with over 30 companies such as Google
- Active in more than 10 countries around the world
- Featured in over 1000 stories and articles in the media
Fabric Soluble bag such as car trash bag, backpack bag, and delivery bag
- Film bags
- Medical Accessories such as gloves, shoe covers, and face masks
- Detergents
- Pet Bags
- Cutlery
- Straw
See more products at:
What's Next
Founded in 2014 in Chile, SoluBag has recently established its office in the United States, hoping to expand into the U.S. market and then turn its attention abroad. It looks forward to partnering with more companies such as Amazon and Walmart to supply consumers with sustainable plastic products while keeping plastic waste from entering the oceans. For this to be executed, it hopes to have a well-structured organisation with a team of experts. Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank has joined the team as an advisor and shareholder, as well as Pharmapacks, one of the largest third party online resellers. Moreover, it aspires to raise more funds to train people into the business. SoluBag continues to introduce traditionally single-use plastic products, from feminine hygiene products to laundry detergents, into the market for global consumption.